Single but struggling?
Are you choosing to be single? Or is it something else? Clearly, some people are single because they choose to be. They are simply not
The truth is, anxiety is on the rise and no one is immune. By working together through proven systems within the bespoke anxiety therapy plans you will overcome your anxiety, build your confidence and increase your resilience to stress.
I use a mixed approach of conversational and structured based therapy, underpinned by a flexible use of proven coaching methods.
But what does this actually mean?
This means I listen and ask questions BUT I also use a variety of therapy and coaching tools, backed by proven psychological theory. These methods really do help you take action and actually change your thinking and behavioural patterns. The methods used within our sessions are outlined below.
If you want real, long lasting change, with genuine results then these coaching treatment plans are definitely for you.
It’ll help you uncover the underlying causes of your worries and fears; you’ll learn how to relax; look at situations in new, less frightening ways; and develop better coping and problem-solving skills.
You will be given the tools to cope with anxiety and I’ll show you how to use them now and long into the future.
I’m thinking you might want to know what life will look like for you after we work together.
You’ll be worrying less and feel a real sense of calm.
You will have better relationships with yourself and those you love.
Which means you will no longer need to seek the approval of others.
Then your confidence in yourself and your decision making will grow.
Others will notice how great you look.
The fears and worries you have about the future will fade away.
Now you can finally live in the present moment and forget about what’s happened in the past.
All of this means you will begin to live the wonderful life you truly deserve.
We understand that seeking help for your anxiety can be daunting. However, it’s the most crucial step you can take to deal with your anxiety and get back on track. Let’s have a chat and I’ll explain how we can help you.
The Anxiety Therapy plans are ideal if you want to make significant changes in your life, and to develop strategies that will help you cope with your anxiety that you can continue to use long after this plan of treatment has finished.
My office is based in Nottingham (UK) but with online coaching it doesn’t matter where you live. I’ll be able to help you.
“Working with Dave was a really great experience. I was really struggling with my anxiety and the stress of it all was getting me down. Through Dave’s help I overcame these thoughts and now feel like a completely different person. I can finally live the life I want for myself.” (Becca – Sheffield)
This is a personalised service. It is based on your requirements and what you want your outcomes to be. This will be discussed in your introductory phone call which is of course, free.
You might want a one off session to try it out and get some immediate strategies, or a number of sessions to really get to grips with your problem.
Sessions are £80 each.
Check in sessions – these are for returning clients delivered as and when required/requested.
The main methods used in our coaching are outlined below.
This approach is based on the belief that you have the capacity within yourself to fulfil your own potential, to foster personal growth and achieve a real sense of identity.
Improve your relationships
Enhance the trust you have in yourself
Reduce your feelings of insecurity and defensiveness
Express yourself more clearly
Improve your self-awareness
Certainly, many of us go through our days on auto-pilot without considering what we are doing or why we are doing it. And, that is not necessarily a bad thing – life is easier when we don’t need to think about brushing our teeth or travelling to work.
Problems can arise when our more significant behaviours are left on autopilot. For example, how we react to problems or deal with stress.
So, noticing your emotions and actions through self-awareness can help you proactively manage your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours rather than allowing them to manage you. This can help you take back control of yourself and bring more confidence and joy into your life.
Solution-focused therapy, is a method that places far more importance on discussing solutions than problems. Of course, we must discuss the problem to find a solution, but beyond understanding what the problem is and deciding how to address it, solution-focused therapy will not dwell on every detail of the problem you are experiencing.
This method doesn’t require a deep dive into your childhood and the ways in which your past has influenced your present. We do initially try to understand the factors behind your anxiety but we do not focus entirely on the past to work towards a solution.
Instead, we will root your sessions firmly in the present, with an understanding of the past while working toward a future in which your current problems have less of an impact on your life
Positive psychology is an evidence based coaching approach grounded in the belief that people want to live meaningful and fulfilling lives. This coaching style enhances your personal resilience and builds on what is best within you.
Through this self-improvement you move towards being a happier version of yourself. You will:
Cognitive Behavioural Coaching, or CBC, is an adapted form of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, designed for use in coaching to help people like you. This is the most widely-used therapy for anxiety disorders. Research has clearly shown it’s effectiveness in the treatment of OCD, phobias, social anxiety, generalised anxiety, among many other conditions.
The effective principle of CBC is that what we think about a situation effects how we feel about it. Techniques used in CBC can equally be effective at helping to deal with issues like:
Just get in touch with me for a free telephone consultation to discuss your needs and we’ll figure out the best way forward for you. This consultation is free to ensure we are a good fit to work together, so don’t let fear stop you from getting in touch.
Find out more here about how the anxiety therapy plans really work to help you feel less anxious and more confident.
Are you choosing to be single? Or is it something else? Clearly, some people are single because they choose to be. They are simply not
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