Free Stress and Anxiety Course

Free Stress and Anxiety Course

Welcome to this free stress and anxiety course. The course is designed to allow you a better understand of what anxiety is, where it comes from, what keeps you living in this cycle of anxiety and how to overcome it. The course also contains some really powerful strategies you can use in your daily life. It includes videos, PDF’s and Audio. All designed to help you on your journey to freedom from stress and anxiety.

This free stress and anxiety course is in addition to the more comprehensive and in-depth services I provide in my coaching programmes that I run at Sisu Emotional Health and Coaching. 

This is just the start of your journey to managing your stress and overcoming your anxieties. If you need further, more in-depth support please contact me to access the comprehensive coaching packages I offer. They combine a mix of psychological methods with practical no nonsense strategies and are proven to take you much further along your journey to recovery from stress and anxiety.

stress and anxiety course

This course is designed to allow you a greater understanding of what anxiety is, where it originates from, why we get stuck in this unhealthy cycle of living with anxious thoughts, and importantly it contains some excellent strategies for relieving the effects of stress and anxiety right now.

 I hope you really enjoy the course and find all the video’s, PDF’s and Audio content really beneficial.

Why choose this course

I have been through what you may be going through now. I lived with overwhelming stress and anxiety for as long as I can remember. It impacted every aspect of my life and stopped me doing things I wanted to. I lived a life full of stress and fear which held me back from really enjoying life for such a long time.

Then I had a stress induced stroke!

Through support from my own amazing coach I was able to recover and fully understand why it had happened and now want to use my extensive training and personal experience to help others going through what I was living through and not reach the point I did.

I’m absolutely passionate about helping others and love the work I do with the clients in my coaching programmes and seeing their transformation is wonderful, but I want to help so many more.

Hence this free course.

It will really help you think about yourself and the circumstances you are in. It’s the start of what can be a real journey towards freedom form stress and anxiety.

Access your free course here

calming stress and anxiety



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