
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

If you're suffering with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) on a daily basis, want to get rid of the draining symptoms and get back to doing what you love...

Sisu Emotional health and Coaching has the Solution to Your Problem

Download a Free Guide for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Download our free guide book, giving you our Top 8 Expert Tips to Help Overcome OCD…

Without reaching for more medication or making another appointment to see your GP..

Do you feel that your Anxiety (OCD) has been getting worse over time- and no matter what you do it keeps getting worse despite everything you’ve tried.

Is this You?

  • Often do the same thing over and over again, even when you don’t want to?


  • Feel like you have to get things “right”, even if you know there’s no real need to worry about getting them right?


  • Spend a lot of time worrying that you said or did something you shouldn’t have?


  • Have to do things in your mind in order to feel safe, or avoid worrying someone you care about will be harmed? For example, you have to count steps in your mind when you walk or something bad will happen to a member of your family.


  • Feel like thinking or doing certain things will cause bad things to happen, and you have to “undo” thoughts or actions with rituals? For example, if you read an upsetting news story while thinking about a loved one, you have to think about them while reading something positive to avoid your loved one being harmed.


  • Have to focus on items being laid out a certain way, and try to organise things based on counting or symmetry? For example, when you set the table there have to be an even number of places, and the cutlery all has to line up in a certain way.


  • You may have other rituals you need to do function throughout your day. The above are just a few examples and there are many others that someone with OCD has. All though are extremely debilitating.


The good news is this:

You’re not alone and we help people with this exact type of problem all the time!

happy people

Does this sound like You?

You’ve been to your GP and told to just rest, take time off work or been given medication which only masks the problem.

Have you read tons of information on the internet about OCD and found yourself overwhelmed by everything you read.

Maybe you’ve you’ve watched countless videos on OCD, read numerous self help books or been told 100 different things about it by friends and family.

I was this way for a long time too. I lived with Anxiety for many years. However, I now know that this was the wrong approach for Anxiety. It only makes it worse in the long term.

The truth is: OCD is caused by many different factors, and if left untreated it will continue to cause problems. It doesn’t just go away. 

Simply resting or taking time off work doesn’t help get rid of your anxiety.

Neither will just taking medication-it only masks the problem.

Reading countless articles or watching numerous videos will only serve to overwhelm and confuse you even more. 

I did all of these. It made my Anxiety Worse.

It was only when I got professional help from someone who really understood my anxiety did things get better.

I now use my years of training and personal experiences to help people who are overwhelmed and confused just like I was.

If any of the above sounds like you, then why not take one of the options below and let us help you make the right decision about finally overcoming your anxiety. Our office is based in Nottingham, but with online coaching we can help you wherever you live. 

There are 3 options to choose from to get started

Ready to get help straight away

If you’re ready to start getting relief from your OCD right now, book onto one of our customised programmes designed specifically for you. A customised programme which will solve the root cause of the problem and get you back to the things you love, use the button below to get started!

Request a Free Telephone Consultation.

Get some free, actionable advice over the phone from a Stress and Anxiety expert.

Click to request a completely free telephone consultation to have all your questions answered, with absolutely no obligation to book.

If you’re skeptical after having unsuccessful treatment elsewhere in the past? Talk to us.

We’ll explain who we are, how we work and help you make the best decision about your problem.

Download a Free Guide for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Download our free guide book, giving you our Top 8 Expert Tips to Help Overcome OCD…

Without reaching for more medication or making another appointment to see your GP..

Currently suffering with OCD? Here are 5 things you can do today to help

  1. Avoid just only resting and taking time off work – Have you ever been told to simply rest and take time off from work rest for your anxiety? With anxiety this will not take the symptoms away. It will only save them for another day!
  2. Make a plan for getting better – Most people just do nothing when they get anxious, hoping it will go away on its own. The fact is, it doesn’t… and you need a plan laid out to get better before it gets worse! 
  3. Choose the right strategies – Strategies are an essential part of a recovery from anxiety. However, it’s really easy to choose the wrong ones and make your symptoms worse! Speak to one of our experts on the phone today who can advise you. 
  4. Get highly effective treatment – Stress and Anxiety coaching is incredibly effective at treating all types of anxiety! You might not get this specialised type of treatment on the NHS. It has been shown to be incredibly effective for anxiety alongside a proper recovery plan programme. 
  5. Take our 100% free guide book – Our guide “8 Expert Tips to overcome obsessive compulsive disorder. Live your life Free from Anxiety” is currently free and you can take it today and get started at home! Click here to download it.

How can a Stress and Anxiety Expert at Sisu Emotional Health and Coaching help you get better?

  • We will get to the root cause of your problem – no more guessing what’s wrong!


  • You will significantly reduce your anxiety through the use of proven strategies developed from 23 years of experience.


  • Receive the guidance and motivation you need to stay on track


  • Build up greater resilience to stressful situations


  • Start setting healthy boundaries so you can put your own wellbeing first


  • Learn strategies to help you create and sustain energy and drive


  • We can help you get back to the things you love with friends and family, rather than missing out due to anxiety.

Here from just a few of our wonderful clients

My health has been suffering for a while, mainly due to living with anxiety. I was cautious of getting helped as I’d tried and failed with getting help before. David was excellent though. Really understanding and had a great grasp of what I was going through and really understood me. We worked through some really difficult processes but he was very thoughtful and I really felt listened to. This time it really worked for me and I feel so much happier now.

Margaret H (Nottingham)

Working with Dave was a really great experience. I was really struggling with my anxiety and the stress of it all was getting me down. I felt rubbish a lot of the time but through Dave’s help I overcome these thoughts and now feel like a completely different person. I can finally live the life I want for myself. Can’t thank him enough.

Becca X (Sheffield)

I really enjoyed working with Dave. He challenged me but in a nice way and helped me understand that there were things i was capable of doing that I had given up on. The methods he used were easy to understand but really worked for me. I feel so much happier now.

Lisa S (Derby)

David was excellent. He has real insight and a great approach. I was really stuck in where I wanted to go and was constantly living with my anxious thoughts, and he provided everything I needed to move forward with my life. I’m now more motivated and happier. I would definitely recommend him. Changed my life.

Martin O (London)

Ready to get going with help right away?

If you’re ready to start getting relief from your OCD right now, book onto one of our customised programmes designed specifically for you. A customised programme which will solve the root cause of the problem and get you back to the things you love, use the button below to get started!

Request a Free Telephone Consultation.

Get some free, actionable advice over the phone from a Stress and Anxiety expert.

Click to request a completely free telephone consultation to have all your questions answered, with absolutely no obligation to book.

If you’re skeptical after having unsuccessful treatment elsewhere in the past? Talk to us.

We’ll explain who we are, how we work and help you make the best decision about your problem.

Download a Free Guide for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Download our free guide book, giving you our Top 8 Expert Tips to Help Overcome OCD…

Without reaching for more medication or making another appointment to see your GP!

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